Adam Zomparelli is a new age author out of Toronto, Canada, who was born to parents of Italian descent. Adam started writing over four years ago at the age of twenty-six when he finally decided to put his creative thoughts to paper. Creativity has always flowed through Adams’s mind since he was a child which has tremendously helped him to write a self-help mini-series and write in the science fiction genre. Being in love with big box titles such as Marvel and Lord of The Rings only helped provoke him to start writing and further pursue it as a career.
*As far as I can remember I was always fascinated by heroic stories and tales of adventure. Of course, growing up you resonate with the protagonists when reading books or watching shows and movies but as I got older it became more than just a renowned story for me but more of creativity that I could explore myself. Discovering a love for the written word has opened up a pathway for me I never knew existed but had been present throughout my life in other means of sci-fi and fantasy stories I grew up watching and reading.*
A second passion for Adam is health studies and being a personal trainer for over ten years. On Adam’s off time, he dedicates himself to physical fitness six days a week and helps people online achieve their health-conscious goals and also copywrites in the fitness and health field. Adam also spends his time reading, preferably science-fiction, fantasy, manga, and self-help as well as playing video games when the rest of his projects are not a priority, which is almost….well, never.